Season 10

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  • Episode 1002

    Mary Ann integrates mambo steps, introducing exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor, engage core muscles and develop muscle awareness.

  • Episode 1003

    Mary Ann demonstrates exercises to improve reaction time. She introduces unique finger exercises and challenges viewers with balance movements.

  • Episode 1004

    Jeff Brooks, PT, joins Mary Ann for a workout that focuses on deep breathing. A new exercise for the oblique muscles is introduced, along with exercises engaging the pelvic floor, abdominal and leg muscles.

  • Episode 1005

    Mary Ann focuses on slow, controlled movements using exercise bands. A new exercise using a large ball is also introduced.

  • Episode 1006

    Mary Ann focuses on slow, controlled movements using exercise bands. A new exercise using a large ball is also introduced.

  • Episode 1007

    Mary Ann Sharkey, PhD, PT, joins Mary Ann to introduce exercises that focus on the vestibular system, including exercises with eyes closed, fast-slow motions, and head-turning movements. Other new exercises are introduced to improve proprioception and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

  • Episode 1008

    Two circulation routines make this episode a high energy and fast paced workout. This show works the fingers and incorporates the exercise band.

  • Episode 1009

    Mary Ann incorporates a foot massage and finger exercises to make a fun and unique workout.

  • Episode 1010

    Mary Ann introduces exercises to improve eye-head coordination and later leads exercises to improve pelvic mobility.

  • Episode 1012

    Mary Ann demonstrates how to get the most out of abdominal exercises by engaging the core muscles.

  • Episode 1013

    Personal trainer, Scott Totton, joins Mary Ann to demonstrate exercises to improve posture, as well as knee strengthening. The exercise band is also used to strengthen the entire body.

  • Episode 1014

    Mary Ann focuses on engaging the pelvic floor and sitting on your sitz bones for proper posture. She also adds a foot massage in the warm-up and balance exercises in the legs routine.

  • Episode 1015

    This workout begins by stimulating sensory awareness with stroking movements. A variety of finger exercises using a small ball help increase mobility and reduce pain.

  • Episode 1016

    Mary Ann uses functional movements while incorporating breathing and posture techniques, stretching the piraformis muscle and concluding with a tai chi stretch.

  • Episode 1017

    Mary Ann challenges participants’ balance with fast-slow movements and seated exercises with closed eyes. She also works on proprioception, eye-head coordination, and ends with a tai chi stretch.

  • Episode 1018

    Osteoporosis specialist, Dr. Lynn Kohlmeier, explains and demonstrates her favorite back exercises, including back extension exercises using a band.